University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings - Public web - Czech technical university in Prague

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Research institute dedicated to sustainable building

Associates the experts from Czech Technical University in Prague dealing with sustainable buildings.

Facilitates university and industry cooperation, focuses on the commercialization of research results and technology transfer.

Develops, innovates and offers original solutions for sustainable buildings throughout their lifecycle, including a healthy indoor environment, considering saving of investment, operating and energy costs.

Architecture and Environment

Interim team leader: Ing. Martin Volf, Ph.D.

Environmentally friendly, safe and comfortable buildings

Energy Systems of Buildings

Team leader: doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D.

Comprehensive focus on energy savings, energy resources optimization and renewable energy resources utilization

Indoor Environmental Quality

Team leader: Ing. Daniel Adamovský, Ph.D.

Research and development of systems improving the quality and comfort of the indoor environment of energy efficient buildings

Materials and Structure

Team leader: doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc.

Testing the mechanical properties of materials, building elements and components

Control and Monitoring of Intelligent Buildings

Team leader: Ing. Robert Wawerka, Ph.D.

Design of advanced algorithms to control building energy systems, development of new sensors to monitor indoor environment and construction

Nanomaterials and biotechnologies

Team leader: Mgr. Radek Divín

The Laboratory of Advanced Biomaterials is used for the preparation of nanofiber materials using electrostatic and centrifugal fiber spinning, microparticles using cryogenic grinding and ultrasound atomization as well as for the preparation of liposomes. 

Content owner: Ilona Chalupská