Faculty of Information Technology - Public web - Czech technical university in Prague
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We are unique in the Czech Republic

  • We are the faculty of CTU that has the biggest number of applicants - FIT attracts more than one fifth of all applicants to study at CTU
  • Our graduates have 100% employability, thanks the high-quality education in all areas of IT 
  • Students learn in classrooms with the latest modern equipment: 
  • We collaborate with the University of Antwerp in a Double Degree program
  • We collaborate with Stanford University in a unique Introduction to Computer Science summer School for middle school students
  • We took first place among the teams at Czech academic institutions that made their computing performance available to the Folding@home project, and we thus established ourselves as the performance leader in the Czech Republic. The project was aimed at finding solutions for dealing with Covid-19.

We are unique in the world

  • We are participants in the Evolving Language Ecosystems project (ELE) and in the Big Code project (Prof. Jan Vitek)
  • We work on the Research Center for Informatics project (RCI), in collaboration with other CTU faculties
  • In collaboration with a workplace in the Netherlands, we have been developing the Data Stewardship Wizard breakthrough web portal, which facilitates the work of data researchers and administrators in dealing with the current trend of enormous growth in the volume of data

Future projects

  • Set up a laboratory in collaboration with Škoda auto, a.s.
  • Extend our Double Degree program with the University of Antwerp

We are members of

Our academic staff are members of

  • The International Association for Cryptographic Research
  • EUROMICRO (board of directors – representing the Czech Republic)
  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

What we are proud that

  • FIT graduates are one hundred per cent absorbed into the employment market
  • We built up the SAGElab network multimedia laboratory in collaboration with Cesnet and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • We set up the OpenDataLab laboratory in collaboration with Profinit
  • We organise major conferences – The Prague Stringology Conference, Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS), LAW  FIT
  • We have set up and equipped a recording studio with professional technology
  • Each month we issue a new episode of the Jedničky a Nuly podcast, in which we invite a scientist from FIT to answer questions on current topics in IT
  • We collaborate intensively with middle schools  – Open days for potential applicants, the FIKS seminar, the Design Sprint summer school, the Introduction to Computer Science summer course on programming, visits to middle schools, Collaboration with Gymnázium Arabská in Prague
  • We organise the Výzkumné léto (VýLet) summer research program for our students
  • In their project work, and in national and international hackathons and competitions, FIT students come up with innovative ideas that are of interest not only to specialists in IT
Content owner: Ilona Chalupská