CTU Rector
The Rector is the top representative of CTU, and the university’s representative in relations with other universities in the Czech Republic and abroad, and with public and state organs, especially with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, with business circles and with members of the public. According to the terms of his/her appointment, the Rector is responsible to the President of the Republic, and in matters laid down in the law he/she is responsible to the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport. For the performance of his activities under the law and under the statutes of CTU, the CTU Rector is responsible to the Academic Senate of CTU. The Rector of CTU names and removes from office the Deans of the faculties of CTU, the Directors of the university institutes, the Registrar, the Chancellor and the Directors of other elements of CTU.
Top management of CTU
The members of the top management of CTU are: the rector, the vice-rectors, the registrar and the chancellor; the chairman of the Academic Senate of the Czech Technical University in Prague is a permanent guest of the top management of CTU, and has access to all information available to members of the top management of CTU.
Members of the Top Management of CTU

doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc.
In the course of his career, Vojtěch Petráček has been attached to a number of leading institutions, in the Czech Republic and also abroad. In 2004, he joined the Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he completed his habilitation in 2007. At the faculty, he teaches Experimental Physics, Relativistic Physics of Heavy Ions, and Subatomic Physics, and he is the responsible person for studies in the field of Experimental Nuclear Physics. He is the leader of a research team that has worked on the ALICE, CBM and AEGIS experiments. Within the framework of the ALICE experiment, he was awarded the prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for Young Scientific Workers in 1998 for his work on designing and implementing the linear Silicon Drift Detector (SDD). In addition, he has twice been awarded a Prize of the Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague for his work on detectors. His main field of scientific interest is in the physics of ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions and particle physics. In collaboration with his students and colleagues, he attempts to interlink experimental and theoretical aspects of this field of physics within the framework of research carried out at the Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering. From 2010 until 2015, he was vice-rector for Science and Research of the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Mgr. Jiří Špelina
Mgr. Jiří Špelina graduated from the Faculty of Law, Charles University. For many years he has worked in management roles. One part of his career is linked with state enterprise Military Forests and Farms of the Czech Republic, where he worked as an executive vice-director, among others. He also worked as interim General Secretary to the Minister of Defence at the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. He has dedicated his career to state administration. After graduating from the Faculty of Law, he also worked as an attorney. He worked as a lawyer at the Legal Department of the National Property Fund of the Czech Republic. His hobbies include hunting and sport.
As registrar, his aim is to set new agenda processes and make the administrative and management activities more efficient in the context of financial management.

Ing. Veronika Kramaříková, MBA
Vice-rector for Development and Strategy
Since 2002, Veronika Kramaříková has gained rich experience in public administration, beginning at the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic, where, in the course of her work, she participated in creating many strategic documents and in introducing new approaches. In additional to her work in public administration, she built up her own company (between 2006 - 2013) dealing with the administration of public procurement and with projects that included setting up a special certified system for administering public procurement. Her work at the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic (2004 - 2006) included managing PPP (Public Private Partnership) projects on Constructing Private Prisons and on Law Court Precincts. She then gained further knowledge while putting together the state budget at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic (2013 - 2014). She went on to gain valuable knowledge about the functioning of academia in the course of her work at the Office of the Government as the director of the Office of the Vice-president of the Government for Science, Research and Innovation (2015 - 2017). Her most recent work in public administration was as director of the Department for a Digital Society and Smart Specializations at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic (2018 - 2019). In her position as Vice-rector for Development and Strategy, she wants to implement the proposals in the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, to prepare the new RIS3 Research and Innovation Strategy, and to make a considerable contribution to the implementation of other state strategies. She has set as her target as vice-rector to create the conditions for CTU in Prague to participate with greater distinction in international cooperation and with partners in industry. She will make efforts to increase the number of CTU scientific teams participating in international projects. She dedicates her free time to her family, sport, and her husband’s ideas.

doc. Dr. Ing. Gabriela Achtenová
Vice-Rector for Bachelor and Master Studies
Gabriela Achtenová graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of CTU in Prague, and completed her doctoral studies under joint supervision with the Ecole Supérieure d’Energie et des Matériaux in Orléans, France. In 2001, she did a work placement as a Research Fellow at TU Delft, in the Netherlands, and in 2005 she was on a study stay at Eindhoven University of Technology, in the Netherlands. She is currently attached to the Josef Božek Vehicle Centre of Sustainable Mobility of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague. Her special field is vehicle transmissions. She has held the post of vice-rector for bachelor and master’s studies since 2018. In addition to handling day-to-day issues, she is responsible above all for setting up suitable administrative procedures, and for simplifying them and aligning them with the legal norms. One of her main aims is to revise the offer of attractive Lifefong Learning opportunities and to provide for companies and for society a knowledge base that will enable them easily to find courses that meet their needs. Another aim is to set up a study system that will attract greater numbers of high-quality foreign students to CTU.

prof. Ing. Zbyněk Škvor, CSc.
Vice-Rector for Science, Creative Activities and PhD Studies
Zbyněk Škvor is attached to the department of electromagnetic fields at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU in Prague. He specializes in microwave technology, dealing with microwave measurements and numeric calculations of magnetic fields. In 2002, and again in 2004, he was awarded the Werner von Siemens Prize. He is one of three winners of the IEEE Third Millenium Award in the Czech Republic. He was nominated as vice rector for science and research at CTU in Prage in 2015. In the sphere of education, his remit covers doctoral studies at CTU, habilitation procedures and appointment procedures procedures for nominating professors, and also the Student Grant Competition. In the field of research, he is responsible for information transfer and for supporting grant applications, for reporting research results, and for seeking out and evaluating excellent results achieved at the University. Within the framework of his work as a manager, he has set as his target to improve the perception of research at the technical university. In his free time, he enjoys trekking, sci-fi and fantasy fiction.

prof. Ing. Oldřich Starý, CSc.
Vice-Rector for International Relations
Oldřich Starý is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU in Prague. He is attached to the Department of Economics, Management and Humanities of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and from 2000 until 2020 he was the faculty’s vice-dean for external relations. As a researcher, he works on real options and effective investment, financial management in power engineering, and the viability of new sources of electricity. In 1995, Prof. Starý taught at the Engineering and Management Institute in Flint, Michigan, in the USA. Since 2001, he has been a member of the advisory commission of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ) in Prague. In 2017 he was appointed chairman of the advisory committee of the Ministry of Justice for electronics and electrotechnology. He was appointed vice-rector for international relations in 2020. In spends his free time with his family and on sports and cultural activities.

Ing. Radek Holý, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Quality Management
Radek Holý is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU in Prague. He is currently attached to the Department of Applied Informatics in Transportation at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of CTU. In his teaching activities, he is the responsible person for courses in wireless technologies and in information acquisition from data. As a researcher, he is a member of the Laboratory of Biometric Identification and Localization in Transportation, which works on analyses, on preparing new services, and on proposals for practical applications in the field of identification and localization in transportation. He has been the CTU’s long-term co-ordinator for a centralized development project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. He was appointed vice-rector for the CTU Information System in 2018. He is responsible for proposing strategies and concepts for developing the information system (an information strategy), for ensuring the set-up of the IS/ICT management system, for the Information Security Management System, and for implementing the programme and managing the project for developing the information system. He supervises the work of the CTU Computing and Information Centre and the CTU Central Library. Within the framework of his work as a manager, he has set himself the task of improving the perception of the CTU information system, and continuing to promote the process of digitizing the university. In his free time, he devotes his attention to his family and to sport.

prof. Ing. Alena Kohoutková, CSc., FEng.
Vice-Rector for Construction
Alena Kohoutková graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. At first she worked as a specialist in statics and analytics at the Construction Project Institute of Prague Capital City. Then she was a scientific worker at the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague, and later at the department of concrete structures and bridges of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. She is currently head of the department of concrete and masonry structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Her special field is in analysing, modelling and designing concrete structures, innovative materials based on fibre concrete, and the application of these materials in building structures, the limit states for the use of concrete structures, the lifetime of concrete structures, and recycling concrete materials. She is the manager of the Centre of Competence for Effective and Sustainable Transport Infrastructure (CESTI). She has served as vice-rector of CTU for Bachelor and Master Studies, and as dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. She is a member of several scientific councils, of the Czech Concrete Association (ČSSI), the Engineering Academy, and the International Federation for Structural Concrete. She is a member of the editorial board of Beton TKS magazine, and a holder of the Milada Paulová prize. Since 2018, she has been vice-rector for construction with responsibility for the university’s investment programme. She has set as her main target to introduce a new imvestment programme aimed at reconstructing and modernizing the current infrastructure. Particular support will be given to modernizing buildings in a way that will reduce their running costs, and to the provision of high-quality facilities for teaching and teaching-related activities, and in support of synergies for the university.

Ing. Lucie Orgoníková
Lucie Orgoníková was formerly deputy vice-chairperson of the government of the Czech Republic for science, research and innovation. Since March 2018, she has held the position of Chancellor of CTU in Prague, in which she makes effective use of the knowledge and contacts gained in her previous positions to promote the development of the University. As a member of the CTU Board, she coordinates the administrative components of the CTU Rectorate, and she is directly in charge of the department of PR and marketing, and is the chairperson of the Council of organizers of the University Lvíčata (Lion Cubs) nursery school and basic school. She is the general secretary of the CTU administrative council. In her role as Chancellor, she has set as her priority to improve the internal and external communications of the University, in particular by attracting attention to outstanding results in science and research. She also puts emphasis on the qualitative advance of CTU in the international rankings of technical universities. Last but not least, she supports actions aimed at popularizing science and research, especially for basic school pupils, for whom CTU organizes events including the ever-increasingly popular children’s Summer university. In her free time, Lucie Orgoníková likes to take part in sports, especially in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands region that she comes from. She also reads books on historical topics, and she spends time with her furry dog.
Rector's Office
Martina Kvičerová, DiS.
tel. +420 224 353 486
e-mail: martina.kvicerova@cvut.cz
Radka Suranová
tel. +420 224 353 474
e-mail: radka.suranova@cvut.cz
Registrar's Office
Mgr. Eva Piknová
tel.: +420 224 353 349
e-mail: eva.piknova@cvut.cz