Internal Evaluation Board - Public web - Czech technical university in Prague

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The competence of the Internal Evaluation Board is determined by the Act on Higher Education Institutions, the Statute of the CTU and its internal regulations, in particular the rules of the CTU quality assurance and internal evaluation system, the CTU Accreditation Regulations and the Statute of the Internal Evaluation Board of the CTU.

  1. approves the proposal of regulations concerning the quality-ensuring system of the educational, creative, and related activities and of the internal quality evaluation of the educational, creative, and related activities of the public higher education institution that were submitted by the Vice-Chair of the Internal Evaluation Board prior to the public higher education institution’s submission to the Academic Senate;
  2. is in charge of the course of the internal evaluation of the educational, creative, and related activities of the public higher education institutional process;
  3. processes the reports from the internal evaluation of the quality of the educational, creative, and related activities of the public higher education institution, and in addition to these reports;
  4. also continuously maintains records regarding the internal evaluation of the quality of the educational, creative, and other related activities of the public higher education institution;
  5. within the scope established by the public higher education statute, executes other necessary activities.

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Content owner: Renáta Matoušková