Master study programmes follow on from bachelor study programmes. Their standard length is 1.5 years, 2 years or 3 years. Studies are offered in full-time or part-time form. The aim of a master study programme is to deepen the knowledge and skills acquired by students in their bachelor study programme, and to prepare them for work as specialists. In their master programme, we also offer students an opportunity to study and/or gain work experience within the framework of the Erasmus programme, a double degree programme, etc.
Within specialized study programmes, there is an increasing number of required optional courses and free optional courses, enabling the highest European education quality requirements for the qualifications of graduates to be met. Every master study programme is accredited with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and is in accordance with the European education requirements based on the Bologna process.
Graduates are awarded the title Ing. (i.e. engineer), and a master’s degree. At the Faculty of Architecture and at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (study programme in Architecture and Building Engineering) the title awarded is Ing. Arch.
Students who successfully complete a master study programme at CTU are in great demand on the employment market, and are often offered above-average salaries. Many master students receive well-paid offers during their studies from leading Czech and international companies.
If you decide to take a master study programme at one of our faculties, it is necessary to make an application within the faculty’s deadline, submit confirmation that you have passed an appropriate bachelor study programme, submit documentary evidence that fees and charges have been paid, and fulfill the Faculty’s requirements for the application procedures.
Information about master study programmes at the pages of our Faculties and Facilities:
- Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
- Faculty of Architecture
- Faculty of Transportation Sciences
- Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
- Faculty of Information Technology
- Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies