Validation of Foreign University Education and Qualifications (Nostrification) - Public web - Czech technical university in Prague
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You are here

We ask applicants for recognition of foreign education to send their applications by post.

Only complete applications are accepted, thereby speeding up the nostrification process.

Applications and documents is possible to submit in person at CTU Rectorate mailing office - room No. B 191 d, entrance B1, ground floor.

CTU Rectorate mailing office open hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8 am to 3 pm
Friday: 8 am to 2 pm


ČVUT v Praze – rektorát
Odbor pro studium a studentské záležitosti
Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3
160 00  Praha 6 – Dejvice

Contact persons:

Assessment of foreign education for applying to CTU in Prague:

Ing. Kateřina De Nava Martinez

Recognition of Higher Foreign Education at CTU in Prague (with the nationwide validity in the Czech Republic:

Mgr. Ludmila Drahošová
Tel. +420 224 353 498

Anna Radzivon
Tel. +420 224 353 473


Official hours:

Consultations regarding the recognition of foreign education are possible during office hours:
Monday 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m
Wednesday 1.00 p. m, -  3.00 p.m

Please note: Consultation is possible only in Czech or English.



Content owner: Najah Torbová