CTU supports students with disabilities by removing physical and attitudinal barriers to success and promoting a diverse and inclusive environment. We strive to provide reasonable services and accommodations while supporting each student in developing the skills necessary to be an independent learner.
Accommodations are available to students whose disabilities include, but are not limited to:
- Specific Learning Disabilities - Dyslexia
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Mental Disorders
- Chronical Deseases
- Visual Impairments
- Hearing Impairments
- Mobility Impairments
Each student deserves equal access to university programs, including the entrance examinations. CTU will work with applicants to develop an admissions procedure that accommodates their needs and fairly showcases their abilities.
Students’ documentation is maintained at the ELSA Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at CTU, which coordinates the university’s disability services. The ELSA Centre can add or adjust accommodations over the course of the semester too, but no later than the beginning of the final examination period.
A student initiates the process for disability services by contacting the ELSA Centre and presenting the relevant documentation. The Centre will then consult with the student to develop a comprehensive and individualised access plan. All arrangements are made in accordance with the standards set forth by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
All services and accommodations are provided free-of-charge.
For additional information, please see the web pages of the ELSA Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at CTU.